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You might want to consider this...

Hey -- it's Geige from StreamYard.

You've probably had a bunch of people watch your broadcasts...

And they've all seen "Powered by StreamYard" at the top of each video:
That's great for StreamYard, but what about your brand?

To remove the watermark and focus your viewers 100% on you:

Switch to the basic plan for just $25

When you upgrade to our very budget-friendly basic plan, you'll have all the tools you need to build your brand and create content assets.

You'll be able to
  • stream to platforms like YouTube and Facebook simultaneously
  • record your broadcasts and download the video/audio file for repurposing/podcasting -- you can even record without going live
  • brand you broadcast by choosing colors and uploading images and GIFs
  • connect an unlimited number of destinations
  • interview guests to keep your audience coming back -- StreamYard allows for 10 participants
  • easily show comments on screen -- talk about engagement!
  • call your audience to take action with banners
  • create as many broadcasts as you like
  • share your screen to create live presentations

Click here to get it all! Upgrade now!

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1870 Mckenzie Avenue suite #223


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